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Professor Diamantis Panagiotopoulos, ‘Unmuting Minoan Koumasa. Data, metadata, and paradata of the 2012-2023 campaigns’

You are invited to an IIHSA Lecture on Wednesdau, May 29th, 2024 at 5.30 pm (Irish time) / 7.30 pm (Greek time)' / 12.30 pm (EST) by Diamantis Panagiotopoulos (University of Heidelberg) on ‘Unmuting Minoan Koumasa. Data, metadata, and paradata of the 2012-2023 campaigns.’

Abstract: More than one hundred years after the first archaeological exploration at Koumasa, a new interdisciplinary research programme commenced in 2012 under the auspices of the Archaeological Society at Athens with the basic aim of systematically exploring the Minoan settlement adjacent to the cemetery and correlating the results of the new research with those from the old excavations. The first decade of fieldwork was full of surprises and insights that lead to a radical reassessment of the original research concept. The lecture presents a concise overview of the most important results of the new excavations in the cemetery and the settlement, explores their significance for our current understanding of Bronze Age Crete, and finally discusses to what extent current strategies of processing excavation (meta)data can impact the production of archaeological knowledge.

The event will be held in person at the IIHSA. Please register via Eventbrite to reserve a seat.
Any queries, please contact us at

May 9

Anastasia Dakouri-Hild, Eleni Andrikou & Stephen Davis, The Kotroni Archaeological Survey Project (KASP) at Ancient Afidna in Northern Attica: a Synthesis from the Seasons of 2019-2023

June 1

EVENT POSTPONED: Musical event on Irish immigration songs by Labrini Gioti Andersson (ethnomusicologist)